Frequently asked questions

Here are our frequently asked questions. Is your question not amongst them? Then send an email to


How do I take SanaCorpus Silicium?
We recommend taking 10 to 15 drops a day, preferably before breakfast. Preferably take before breakfast in a (half) glass of water or fruit juice. Then drink immediately.

For how long can I take SanaCorpus Silicium?
You can take SanaCorpus Silicium throughout your whole life. We recommend daily use.

Can I take SanaCorpus Silicium in combination with other nutritional supplements?
SanaCorpus Silicium may be combined without restriction with other nutritional supplements.  

How does SanaCorpus Silicium make my joints suppler?
SanaCorpus Silicium has the characteristic of being able to act in a supporting role for the joints. It can strengthen cartilage and help in joint formation.

What effect can SanaCorpus Silicium have on nails, skin and hair?
SanaCorpus can promote hair growth and combat loss of hair, strengthen the skin and protect against ageing and help healthy and strong nails to grow. As we become older, the mineral levels in the skin change, SanaCorpus Silicium can have a supporting action against this.

Why is SanaCorpus Silicium good for my bones?
SanaCorpus Silicium assists in the formation of new bone and can have a strengthening action on your bones.

When will I notice the effect of taking SanaCorpus Silicium?
SanaCorpus Silicium acts quickly and effectively and you should notice the results after a few weeks.
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